The R. family's summer holidays in the Alps were a resounding success. They enjoyed hiking, swimming, and indulging in delicious food. The children even had the thrill of spotting a marmot. With many cherished memories to cherish, one unwelcome reminder of their trip arrived in the form of a letter from a Bavarian traffic authority. A speeding fine dampened their post-holiday bliss. Svenja, the mum, couldn't help but wonder, "How did they obtain our address?"
The explanation is straightforward: if you exceed the speed limit in a cambio car and get caught by a speed camera, the resulting ticket is directed to the cambio office. Since cambio owns the vehicle, we identify who was using the car during the specified period and relay this information to the relevant authority. They then contact you directly. We do charge a processing fee for handling tickets. If you receive a fine in another European country, we'll reach out to you promptly, as foreign authorities often impose tight deadlines.
Various types of traffic violations include:
- Speeding
- Parking infractions
- Driving under the influence
- Illegal overtaking
- Using a mobile phone while driving
Once you receive the ticket, you assume responsibility: if needed, you directly contact the relevant authority. You settle the fine through the bank account specified on the ticket. Fines abroad are often notably higher than those in Germany.
If you feel the fine is unwarranted, submit an objection directly to the appropriate authority. Our office is not the correct point of contact for this matter.
The R. family is already anticipating next summer in the mountains. Along with their hiking boots and swimwear, they carry a firm commitment to adhere to all traffic regulations this time around.
We wish you a pleasant journey with cambio.
Text: Catharina Oppitz
Bilder: cambio, canva
Veröffentlicht am: 04.03.2024