Why No E10?
E10 is a fuel mixture consisting of 10 percent bioethanol and 90 percent petrol, produced from food crops like maize or wheat. This fuel raises ethical and ecological concerns. Land previously used for food production is often redirected to grow crops for bioethanol, which can drive up food prices and threaten food security.
Additionally, a a study by Deutsche Umwelthilfe indicates that German consumption of agrofuels significantly contributes to environmental pollution by increasing pesticide use by 24 percent and consuming large amounts of fertilizers and fossil energy.
Why No Premium Fuels?
We advise against refueling with premium fuels. These fuels are typically much pricier than regular fuels, yet the potential benefits they offer are minimal. The cambio fleet is engineered for the use of standard fuels. Opting for premium fuels not only incurs significant costs but also fails to provide notable advantages in vehicle performance or operation.
What the cambio Fuel-Card Can Do
Petrol or diesel: If you need to refuel while on the road, simply use the cambio fuel card. This card is valid throughout Europe, with different cards utilized depending on the cambio city. You'll find the fuel card in the on-board manual. If your fuel card is missing or malfunctioning, please contact the booking service. Additionally, you can find the PIN for the fuel card in the cambio app under ‘Current booking’.
When paying with the cambio fuel card, you can leave the receipt directly at the till, as we have no use for it.
Should you need to refuel at a petrol station that doesn't accept the cambio fuel card, please retain the receipt. Within three months, submit the original receipt to the office for reimbursement. Please note that a photo of the receipt is not sufficient. The reimbursed amount will be credited to one of your next invoices.
Are you traveling with your electric car? You can find tips on correct charging here.
We wish you a pleasant journey with cambio.
Text: Catharina Oppitz
Bilder: canva
Veröffentlicht am: 08.04.2024