Winter tyres are compulsory in icy and snowy conditions. For car owners, this entails promptly scheduling an appointment with the garage and preparing their vehicle for winter before the onset of the first frost. However, for cambio customers, it's simply a matter of getting in and unwinding. The fleet team will handle the installation of the appropriate tyres, allowing customers to relax and enjoy the ride.
Achieving the best balance with all-weather tyres with Alpine symbol
Thankfully, cambio customers needn't concern themselves with this matter either. All vehicles come equipped with top-notch all-season tyres from reputable manufacturers. This ensures optimal coordination between stability programs regardless of the weather conditions.
cambio relies on all-weather tyres with the Alpine symbol for its entire fleet. The unique compound ratio of these tyres ensures pliable rubber and superior vehicle handling even in chilly temperatures. This can be easily recognised by the mountain pictogram with snowflake on the tyre sidewall.
Tailored tyres for diverse needs
These versatile tyres feature a distinctive tread pattern: they boast a greater number of tread grooves, effectively expelling water and slush from the tyre's contact area, thereby enhancing traction on the road.
To uphold this performance, our fleet teams conduct regular inspections of tyre tread depth and replace them when they reach a specific threshold. If you're a cambio customer, you can therefore trust in the reliability of the tyres on your car sharing vehicle even during challenging circumstances.
Snow chains in mountainous regions
Even the finest tyres have their constraints. When venturing into the mountains during winter, it's wise to err on the side of caution. In ski resorts, keeping snow chains in the trunk is essential. On steep slopes and slippery surfaces, they bolster tyre traction, providing added safety while driving. Snow chains are accessible at numerous cambio branches. It's advisable to inquire well in advance.
„Preparation is key. It begins with allowing ample time to avoid feeling rushed. Driving hastily not only jeopardizes your safety but also that of other road users. Therefore, it's advisable to book the cambio car with a generous buffer. Additionally, for long journeys, it's essential to have sufficient provisions onboard and a warm blanket in case of being stuck in traffic for an extended period. Maintaining a full tank of petrol is also crucial, as the engine quickly cools down once switched off.“
Markus Funke, Zentraler Fuhrpark cambio CarSharing
Still seeking guidance on safely navigating the cold season while driving?
You'll discover the answers in the magazine. Afterwards, simply register, reserve a cambio car, and embark on your journey.
We look forward to seeing you!
Text: Catharina Oppitz
Bilder: canva, cambio
Veröffentlicht am: 23.11.2023