What will the ride cost me?

Please select a date for departure first.

activation fee
monthly fee
activation fee per additional person
monthly fee per additional person

*No additional authorised drivers can be registered in this tariff.

time price CAMPUS
hour rate (6am - 00pm)
hour rate weekend (fridays from 12am )
night hour rate (00pm-6am)
day (24h)
week (7d)
Price Range  XS
Price Range  S
Price Range  M
Price Range  L
kilometer rate
up to 100 km
over 101 km

All prices including VAT.

Price range and vehicle offerings differ in the cambio cities.

time price BASIS
hour rate (6am - 00pm)
hour rate weekend (fridays from 12am )
night hour rate (00pm-6am)
day (24h)
week (7d)
Price Range  XS
Price Range  S
Price Range  M
Price Range  L
kilometer rate
up to 100 km
over 101 km

All prices including VAT.

Price range and vehicle offerings differ in the cambio cities.

time price AKTIV
hour rate (6am - 00pm)
night hour rate (00pm-6am)
day (24h)
week (7d)
Price Range  XS
Price Range  S
Price Range  M
Price Range  L
kilometer rate
up to 100 km
over 101 km

All prices including VAT.

Price range and vehicle offerings differ in the cambio cities.

time price COMFORT
hour rate (6am - 00pm)
night hour rate (00pm-6am)
day (24h)
week (7d)
Price Range  XS
Price Range  S
Price Range  M
Price Range  L
kilometer rate
up to 100 km
over 101 km

All prices including VAT.

Price range and vehicle offerings differ in the cambio cities.

Sharing made easy.

CarSharing with cambio


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Ein Fahrzeug von cambio steht auf der Straße und ist in einen orangenen Rahmen gefasst